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Unplug Pocatello Festival!
July 17, 2021 from 10am-4pm
Franklin Middle School
2271 E Terry St., Pocatello, ID 83201
We at Snake River Doodles & Friends are teaming up again with Unplug Pocatello to bring this annual event back this year! Don't miss all of the fun geared at getting people out in the fresh air and sunshine and Unplugged from electronics! Come join the games all day, contests, petting zoo, food trucks, and all of the amazing local businesses that you know as your friends and neighbors! We have all been plugged in FAR to long! Don't miss this!

Currently Registered Vendors
Color Street
Sniffin' It ~ MojiLife
Deb's Creations D201994
6th Judicial District CASA
Evans Farmstead Cheese
$5 Paparazzi Jewerly and Accessories
Leafguard Gutter of Idaho
Bottlecaps hairbows
Endless Summer Shave Ice
Portneuf District Library
Missing Juveniles & Adults In Idaho
10x10 Outdoor Booth

10x20 Outdoor Booth

Community Information

Food Truck